Ayuda con Plugin Freeze Tag
Hola, necesito poder hacer lo siguiente en el mod de freeze tag de Javivi, hacer que a un terrorista cuando lo descongelan tenga inmunidad a ser congelado durante 2 o 3 segundos y ademas que no pueda descongelar a su demas compañeros de equipo en ese estado de inmunidad. La verdad que soy bastante novato en esto y no entiendo como hacerlo, si me pueden ayudar se los agradeceria mucho.

** Freeze Tag Mod **

Made by Javivi

#include < amxmodx >
#include < fun >
#include < engine >
#include < cstrike >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < hamsandwich >

// Comment/Uncomment that if you want to auto un-freeze players after an ammount of time

#define MAXPLAYERS 32

// Task IDs
#define TASKID_ROUNDEND 1338
#define TASKID_UNFREEZE 8331

/*! Consts */
const g_cWepOffset = 4;
const g_cNextPAttack = 46;
const g_cNextSAttack = 47;

// Player Team
new CsTeams:g_Team[ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ]

// Time count
new g_Time[ MAXPLAYERS + 1 ]

// Frozen/Alive T count
new g_FrozenT, g_aliveT

// HudSync / HideWeapon msg / SayText msg
new g_HudSync, g_msgHideWeapon, g_msgSayText

new cvar_roundtime, cvar_hidecrosshair, cvar_pShowKnife
, cvar_maxfrozentime, cCvar_maxfrozentime

// Remove objetives
new PrecacheSpawn
new const RemoveEntities[ ][ ] =
"func_hostage_rescue", "info_hostage_rescue", "func_bomb_target", "info_bomb_target",
"hostage_entity", "info_vip_start", "func_vip_safetyzone", "func_escapezone"

// mp_roundtime pointer
new p_roundtime

new g_maxplayers

public plugin_init( )
// Remove objetives
unregister_forward( FM_Spawn, PrecacheSpawn )

register_plugin( "Freeze Tag", "1.4", "Javivi" )

// Hamsandwich forwards
RegisterHam( Ham_Spawn, "player", "fw_PlayerSpawn", 1 )
RegisterHam( Ham_Killed, "player", "fw_PlayerKilled", 1 )    
RegisterHam( Ham_Touch, "player", "fw_PlayerTouch" )

// Info
register_clcmd( "say /status", "status" )

// Block buy
register_message( get_user_msgid( "StatusIcon" ), "msg_statusicon" )

// Block win sound & win msg
register_message( get_user_msgid( "SendAudio" ), "msg_sendaudio" )
register_message( get_user_msgid( "TextMsg" ), "msg_textmsg" )

// Round start
register_event( "HLTV", "new_round", "a", "1=0", "2=0" );

// CVARs
cvar_roundtime = register_cvar( "ft_roundtime", "180.0" )
cvar_hidecrosshair = register_cvar( "ft_hidecrosshair", "1" )

cvar_maxfrozentime = register_cvar( "ft_maxfrozentime", "120" )

// Hide weapon msg
g_msgHideWeapon = get_user_msgid( "HideWeapon" )

// SayText msg
g_msgSayText = get_user_msgid( "SayText" )

// Remove all weapons on the map
new Ent = -1
while ( ( Ent = find_ent_by_class( Ent, "armoury_entity" ) ) )
    remove_entity( Ent )

// Gamemonitor info
register_cvar( "ft_version", "1.4 by Javivi", FCVAR_SERVER|FCVAR_SPONLY )

// Roundtime pointer
p_roundtime = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_roundtime" )

// Set no freezetime
set_cvar_num( "mp_freezetime", 0 )

g_maxplayers = get_maxplayers( )

g_HudSync = CreateHudSyncObj( )


public status( id )
client_print( id, print_chat, "Alive: %d  Frozen: %d", g_aliveT, g_FrozenT )

// Remove objetives
public plugin_precache( ){
PrecacheSpawn = register_forward( FM_Spawn, "precache_spawn", 1 )


public precache_spawn( ent )
if( is_valid_ent( ent ) )
    static szClass[ 33 ]
    entity_get_string( ent, EV_SZ_classname, szClass, sizeof( szClass ) )
    for( new i = 0; i < sizeof( RemoveEntities ); i++ )
        if( equal( szClass, RemoveEntities[ i ]) )
            remove_entity( ent )

public client_disconnect( id )
    if( g_Team[ id ] == CS_TEAM_T && is_user_alive( id ) )
        // Check if all the terrorist are frozen
        CheckTerrorist( )

public fw_PlayerSpawn( id )
    if( is_user_alive( id ) )
        set_user_rendering( id )
        strip_user_weapons( id )
        if( get_pcvar_num( cvar_hidecrosshair ) )
            message_begin( MSG_ONE, g_msgHideWeapon, _, id )
            write_byte( 1<<6 )
            message_end( )
        g_Team[ id ] = cs_get_user_team( id )
        if( g_Team[ id ] == CS_TEAM_T )

public fw_PlayerKilled( victim )
    if( g_Team[ victim ] == CS_TEAM_T )
        // Check if all the terrorist are frozen
        CheckTerrorist( )
public fw_PlayerTouch( Touched, Toucher )
    if( ( 1 <= Toucher <= g_maxplayers ) )
        static Flags; Flags = entity_get_int( Touched, EV_INT_flags )
        // Freeze an enemy
        if( g_Team[ Toucher ] == CS_TEAM_CT && g_Team[ Touched ] == CS_TEAM_T ) {
                            // Already frozen ?
            if( Flags & FL_FROZEN )
            entity_set_int( Touched, EV_INT_flags, Flags | FL_FROZEN)
            // msg        
            static dName[ 33 ]; get_user_name( Touched, dName, charsmax( dName ) )
            static rName[ 33 ]; get_user_name( Toucher, rName, charsmax( rName ) )
            new chatcolor[ 125 ]
            formatex( chatcolor, 124, "^3[ MANCHA ]^4 %s ^1ha sido tocado por ^4 %s ^1, y ahora esta congelado!", dName, rName)
            client_print_c( chatcolor )
            // Check if all the terrorist are frozen
            CheckTerrorist( )
            set_user_rendering( Touched, kRenderFxGlowShell, 0, 255, 255, kRenderNormal, 40 )
            #if defined FROZENTIMELIMIT
            g_Time[ Touched ] = 0
            set_task( 1.0, "Countdown", Touched + TASKID_UNFREEZE, _, _, "b" )
        // Unfreeze a teammate
        if( g_Team[ Toucher ] == CS_TEAM_T && g_Team[ Touched ] == CS_TEAM_T )
            if( Flags & FL_FROZEN )
                #if defined FROZENTIMELIMIT
                remove_task( Touched + TASKID_UNFREEZE )
                // msg        
                static dName[ 33 ]; get_user_name( Touched, dName, charsmax( dName ) )
                static rName[ 33 ]; get_user_name( Toucher, rName, charsmax( rName ) )
                new chatcolor[ 125 ]
                formatex( chatcolor, 124, "^3[ MANCHA ]^4 %s ^1ha sido tocado por ^4 %s ^1, y ahora esta descongelado!", dName, rName)
                client_print_c( chatcolor )
                entity_set_int( Touched, EV_INT_flags, Flags &~ FL_FROZEN )
                set_user_rendering( Touched )

// Round Start
public new_round( )
    g_FrozenT = 0
    g_aliveT = 0
    #if defined FROZENTIMELIMIT
    // Cache the maxfrozentime cvar
    cCvar_maxfrozentime = get_pcvar_num( cvar_maxfrozentime )
    static Float:ccvar_roundtime; ccvar_roundtime = get_pcvar_float( cvar_roundtime )
    set_pcvar_float( p_roundtime, ccvar_roundtime / 60 )
    // mmm
    remove_task( TASKID_ROUNDEND )
    set_task( ccvar_roundtime, "Roundend", TASKID_ROUNDEND )

public Roundend( task )
    set_hudmessage( 255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.40, 1, 6.0, 5.0 )
    ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_HudSync, "Terrorist Win !" )
    client_cmd( 0, "spk radio/terwin.wav" )
    g_aliveT = 0
    for ( new id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++ )
        if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
        Unfreeze( id )
        switch( g_Team [ id ] )
            case CS_TEAM_CT: user_silentkill( id )
                case CS_TEAM_T: set_user_frags( id, get_user_frags( id ) + 1 )

public CountDown( task )
    static id; id = task - TASKID_UNFREEZE
    g_Time[ id ]++
    if( g_Time[ id ] >= cCvar_maxfrozentime )
        Unfreeze( id )
        remove_task( task )
    set_hudmessage( 255, 255, 255, -1.0, -1.0, 0, 6.0, 1.0 )
    ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_HudSync, "You will be auto un-frozen in : %d", cCvar_maxfrozentime - g_Time[ id ] )

public Unfreeze( id )
    // Unfreeze player if it's frozen
    static Flags; Flags = entity_get_int( id, EV_INT_flags )
    if( Flags & FL_FROZEN )
        entity_set_int( id, EV_INT_flags, Flags &~ FL_FROZEN )

// Buyzone
public msg_statusicon( msgid, dest, id )
    static icon[ 5 ]
    get_msg_arg_string( 2, icon, charsmax( icon ) )
    if( icon[ 0 ] == 'b' && icon[ 2 ] == 'y' && icon[ 3 ] == 'z' )
        // Block buy
        set_pdata_int( id, 235, get_pdata_int( id, 235 ) &~ ( 1<<0 ) )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

// Block win msg
public msg_textmsg( msg_id, msg_dest, msg_entity )
    static message[ 3 ]
    get_msg_arg_string( 2, message, charsmax( message ) )
    switch( message[1] )
        case 'C', 'T':
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED

// Block win sound
public msg_sendaudio( msg_id, msg_dest, msg_entity )
    static message[10]
    get_msg_arg_string( 2, message, charsmax( message ) )
    switch( message[7] )
        case 'c', 't' :
            return PLUGIN_HANDLED

// Check if all the terrorist are frozen
CheckTerrorist( )

if( g_aliveT == g_FrozenT )
    remove_task( TASKID_ROUNDEND )
    g_aliveT = 0
    set_hudmessage( 0, 0, 255, -1.0, 0.40, 1, 6.0, 5.0 )
    ShowSyncHudMsg( 0, g_HudSync, "Counter-Terrorist Win !" )
    client_cmd( 0, "blockmaker/boing.wav" )
    // Swap teams
    for ( new id = 1; id <= g_maxplayers; id++ )
        if( !is_user_connected( id ) )
            Unfreeze( id )
            switch( g_Team[ id ] )
                case CS_TEAM_T:
                    user_silentkill( id )
                    //cs_set_user_team( id , CS_TEAM_CT )
                case CS_TEAM_CT:
                    set_user_frags( id, get_user_frags( id ) + 1 )
                    //cs_set_user_team( id, CS_TEAM_T )
            set_task( 1.0, "DelayedChangeTeam", id ) // little bugfix

public DelayedChangeTeam( id )
    if( is_user_connected( id ) )
        switch( g_Team[ id ] )
            case CS_TEAM_T:
                cs_set_user_team( id , CS_TEAM_CT )
            case CS_TEAM_CT:
                cs_set_user_team( id, CS_TEAM_T )

// Chat color stock
client_print_c(const fmt[], any:...)
new szString[128]
szString[0] = 4

vformat(szString, sizeof( szString ) - 2, fmt, 2)

message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_msgSayText)

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